A fact-checker must rely on two skills—independent research and reporting skills —to ensure an article's accuracy, but other competencies can make people more suited to this profession as well.
Print media is becoming increasingly obsolete in this age of electronics, but information and journalism are simply changing forms, not disappearing. Fact-checkers should be required on an ongoing basis regardless of technology.
Deadlines exist with all types of publications, and this can mean pressure to perform quickly without sacrificing accuracy. This might be part-time or full-time employment, but deadlines must be met regardless, which can occasionally result in putting in additional hours.
News doesn't stop happening on weekends, so this isn't always a Monday-to-Friday job. Some job portals have more in the way of fact-checker and writer resumes than others. Some similar positions can overlap with the job of a fact-checker.
Source: U. Bureau of Labor Statistics , Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Use precise geolocation data.
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